Conversations about issues affecting our communities
The British theologian Leslie Newbigin said that the story about Jesus Christ - his life, death, and resurrection - is public truth. What he meant is that the claims of Christian faith are not about private religious experience, but are meant to impact the world.
Jesus said that Christian people are to be salt - a preservative from decay and a flavor-enhancer. Christians are meant to have the kind of presence that heals and helps their communities, and that is meant to draw out the best "flavors" of their wider culture.
To that end, here at Pleasant Street we started hosting seminars in 2021. Two or three times a year, we host seminars that bring the gifts of Christian faith and wisdom forward through wise speakers and educators in a way that, we hope, blesses and helps our wider community.
From Dementia to pluralism; human trafficking and facing the end of life, we've tried to host conversations about things that matter to all of us. These seminars are always free. And through them we aim to provide opportunities to learn but also to gather with other people in our communities who share similar questions and concerns.
We believe that these conversations demonstrate the kinds of resources that Christianity offers to the world and to the people of our New England towns and neighborhoods. We offer them as gifts from the Resurrected Jesus Christ; the one from whom all blessings flow. We hope that you find them useful whatever your faith commitments are.