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Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

Hurts, habits, hangups... we all have them!

“My grace is enough for you...” - 2 Corinthians 12:9

The pain of family conflicts, depression, childhood abuse or addictive behaviors can keep us from experiencing the fullness of life. We hide in shame not realizing there is freedom that comes from transparency. Join us at Celebrate Recovery and find the freedom that creates peace, serenity, joy and a stronger relationship with God and with other people.

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered ministry where people can find God's healing and strength to face and move beyond their hurts, habits, or hang ups. This ministry is for anyone struggling with past or current dysfunctions or compulsions, whether they are affecting their own life or the lives of those around them.

Celebrate Recovery is not centered on a specific habit or problem, but is rather an umbrella ministry that ministers to people facing a variety of life's difficulties and struggles. At Celebrate Recovery one finds a community of people working their way along the road to recovery, sharing their lives, experiences, hopes and fears with one another, and finding God's grace and forgiveness in solving their problems.

The Celebrate Recovery Principles and 12 Steps provide a path for Spiritual Growth and freedom from addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and a stronger relationship with God and with other people.

Who would benefit from Celebrate Recovery?

At Celebrate Recovery people will find help dealing with: over-working, divorce, abandonment, anxiety, abuse, depression, overeating, lying, perfectionism, grief, fear, drugs or alcohol, co-dependency, sex, overspending, insecurity, anger, guilt, control issues, relational problems, and many other hurts, habits, and hang ups.

All of us are wounded. Recovery takes time. It reaches and transforms the very roots of our being. Jesus knows every wound. When our recovery is centered on Christ, His transforming power can enter into our pain to bring love, forgiveness and peace.

What are the Celebrate Recovery activities?

Our goal at Celebrate Recovery is to provide a safe place for people to work their own recovery, not to force people beyond what they are comfortable with. Obviously we get more out of something if we put more into it, but recovery works best when we decide for ourselves that we need it. Celebrate Recovery runs year round.

Large Group Worship: Large group worship occurs every Monday starting at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. A large group worship service involves a teaching lesson or testimony. The worship service is followed by Open Share groups that are gender-based and issue-based for group discussion.

Newcomers 101: If you are new to Celebrate Recovery and want a bit more information, we invite you to attend during Open Share for Newcomer Orientation. Come find out what it is all about and have your questions answered.

Step Groups: Want more in-depth time with the Celebrate Recovery concepts? Then consider joining a Step Group. Step Groups are the "meat and potatoes" of the Celebrate Recovery program. They enable you to really work through your recovery process. They consist of small gender-based groups that meet every week to work through the Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps. This program utilizes the Celebrate Recovery participant Step Books and runs for approximately a year. A $17 fee covers the cost of the Step Books and other materials. Pre-registration is required. Consistent attendance is mandatory. To find out more about or how to get involved in a Step Study Group, contact Pastor Howard DeVries, Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader.

Fellowship Events: Periodically, Celebrate Recovery holds social events in a relaxing fun environment. Keep an eye the CR Calendar for information on upcoming fellowship opportunities.

You can learn more about the program here: Celebrate Recovery. If you would like any additional information, please feel free to contact: Pastor Howard De Vries 508-282-9347 -- Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader.