Pleasant Street Christian Reformed Church uses your gifts and tithes to preach the word of God, to witness, to spread Jesus love, and to make disciples inside and outside the church.
Your gifts and tithes are used to support all of the various ministries at PSCRC. Every gift, no matter how big or small, contributes to the work of Christ in Whitinsville and beyond. The church could not function without you.
Stewardship statement:
We will give consistently and sacrificially to worship God, to support His local church, to bless people around the world, and to Reach, Teach, and Release the hurting in our communities through the power of Jesus Christ!
Our beliefs about giving:
- We believe everything we have belongs to God. (Psalm 24:1)
- We believe in giving our best in love because that is what Jesus did. (John 3:16)
- We believe in giving to support our vision so that hurting people might be found, taught, and set free. (Matthew 9:35-38, 28:18-20)
- We believe in consistent giving to ensure a firm financial foundation for God’s church. (2 Corinthians 9:10-15)
- We believe in giving in faith, knowing that God will continually test us with money to ensure it has not become an idol. (Matthew 6:21)
Ways to give:
- Contributing to the offering taken on Sunday mornings during worship.
- Mailing or dropping off tithes and offereings to the church office at any time.
- Giving online through the UniBank UniPay portal.