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Cultivating our faith to become more and more like Jesus.

Are you looking for meaning and purpose in your life?

Do you want to connect with people at a similar life-stage or who working through some of the same issues and challenges?

Are you interested in pursuing a deeper relationship with God?

At Pleasant Street, we believe that growth happens best in community. After all, the fundamental truth of Christianity is about relationship—our relationship with God and with our neighbors. This is why we encourage you to make your journey toward Jesus Christ in the company and care of others.

Explore the many opportunities to grow at Pleasant Street by clicking on the menu bar on the left. Through the various faith formation ministries of the church, it is our privilege and our responsibility to be reaching in and connecting to one another to build deep, rich relationships and community with Jesus Christ at the center. That is, we must be continually seeking to minister the gospel to one another by mutually supporting, teaching, encouraging, challenging, and edifying one another-trusting that God will see fit to "form Christ in us" as a result (Galatians 4:19).

We welcome you to get connected to Pleasant Street and hope you find a loving, Gospel-saturated community of people serving others and serving our King and Savior.